How to be productive when you really don’t want to be
Some days, you just don't want to "do" anything. Often, these days coincide with when you absolutely need to be "doing" something. So you sit there and stare at your computer screen, run your fingers through your hair, open and close various social media apps in quick succession, fix yourself a snack...and repeat.
Productivity is something we all struggle with, but it doesn't have to be something we beat ourselves up over. As someone who has dealt time and time again with writer's block, I know how infuriating it can be when your brain simply isn't cooperating with what your plans.
Rather than delving further into a pit of despair (which is potentially even more of an enemy to productivity than social media), here are a few things you can do instead to be productive; until you're in a better mindset to do that one particular productive thing you're avoiding.
1. Phone a friend or relative - preferably one you haven't spoken to in a while. Texting doesn't count. This is about real communication.
2. Create something - doodle, write a poem, pick up your guitar, or cook a new dish! Whatever that thing is you enjoy doing "when you have time to", do it now.

3. Sort through your photos - if you lack creativity entirely, flick through all the snaps you want to print from an event, holiday or even just day-to-day life. Get them printed, choose an album, and enjoy doing making something tangible for once rather than simply uploading them all to Facebook.
4. Sort through your kitchen cupboards or wardrobe - do a Marie Kondo on that situation. Get rid of or donate the things you don't need and revel in the sense of lightness and accomplishment that follows.

5. Stretch - not necessarily downward dog or dancer's pose. Just get on some comfy clothes and take time for you and your body to unwind and release that tension you keep inside, both literally and mentally.
6. Bake! - We all love to watch Great British Bake Off, and remark that "I'd like to try that!" Now's your chance. Even if you don't fancy attempting a showstopper, even a mug cake will do here.

7. Fix yourself a treat - if you don't have any of the utensils or ingredients you need to bake something, simply whip up a hot chocolate (make sure there's marshmallows or cream at least) and relax with a favourite movie from your childhood. The self-care will do you good!
8. Do something for yourself - if you fancy multi-tasking with the movie, paint your nails, moisturize, apply a face mask, take a bath, and just generally do something you normally put off or forget about.

9. Read a book - if you're feeling *particularly daring*, get away from all screen time by curling up with a good old classic. For those who don't own any, audiobooks or podcasts work too. Allow yourself to float away for a while and engage in something that isn't that thing you were struggling with.
10. Finally, make a list - seen by some as a form of procrastination from the actual items, I see it more as breaking down the tasks into more manageable steps. You can work through them at a pace that suits you rather than being overwhelmed by the whole project at hand.

These are just a few suggestions of things you can do to be productive even when you don't want to be. The emphasis here is on self-care, taking the time for yourself that you wouldn't usually, and getting yourself into a better state of mind to do what you eventually need to.
When you've done a couple of the items, or even completed the list, you'll be recharged and rested to get back to the task at hand - without distractions!
P.S. I wrote this to be productive whilst avoid doing something else, so writing or setting up a blog works too.