New Attractions I’d Like To See At Walt Disney World
If there’s one thing we know about the Orlando resort, it’s that it will always and forever ‘keep moving forward’, just as Walt wanted. With new lands and rides popping up as fast as they release the movies, innovation is integral to the parks and what keeps people coming back for more.
As someone who has spent more than half a year of their life at Disney World, here’s what I’d like to see in the future.
Soarin Over …
Perhaps this should have been covered in my previous post on reimagination, but what I’d really love is for Soarin’ to start throwing in some random/different sequences. While I shared my ideas for a Christmas themed ride on Twitter and got a great response (2291 favourites and counting), seasonal versions are just the tip of their current polar bear and iceberg flyover.

By introducing new countries and scents which could be thrown together in a more random order (much like Star Tours over in Hollywood Studios), the ride would truly never get old, and while I’ll continue to endure the warped Taj Mahal for the fantastic scent that accompanies it, there’s nothing like breathing new life and greater variety into something that otherwise can be repetitive for frequent visitors.
See The Light
When they opened Be Our Guest in New Fantasyland, they got as clear an indicator as they ever needed that immersive, princess-themed dining was very much ‘in’ with guests of all ages. This is why I’d love to see them lessen the pressure on Beast’s Castle by introducing a Tangled-themed restaurant complete with floating lanterns and soothing, acoustic sounds.

Guests could even dine in tables styled like the boat Rapunzel and Flynn ride in, and while I know you can meet them both in a themed breakfast shared with Ariel and Eric over at Trattoria Al Forno, that restaurant lacks the décor it needs to be a complete Disney dining experience. Also you can never really have enough of the Lost Princess, if you ask me.
Meet Moana
Speaking of dining experiences, and also characters you can’t get enough of, let’s talk about the future ruler of Te’fiti. Not only did she have a criminally short meet and greet opportunity in Hollywood Studios, but they didn’t move her anywhere since then, and she only started appearing on the Fantasmic boat about 6 months later.

I’d love to see a dining experience with Moana over at the Polynesian (do I controversially suggest they swap Lilo out for her at Ohana? Or perhaps just add her to the dinner?) or even a new full-service restaurant in Adventureland where she would fit in seamlessly. At this point I’d even take a quick-service there, so long as we start seeing some representation real soon.
Rumours have been rife for a while now that he’s set to replace Stich’s Great Escape, but nothing official has been confirmed which leads me to believe this is all wishful thinking. He’d make a great addition to Tomorrowland, there’s no doubt about it, and especially with a sequel cementing his place in Disney history.

A shooting-style game like Buzz’s could work (if that didn’t already exist), but I don’t see why he couldn’t find his way to Hollywood Studios (every other hard-to-place character seems to somehow!). However he’s used, it could be a great chance to introduce new technology to the parks which hopefully won’t age as fast as I fear his second movie will.
Mary Poppins
Speaking of sequels, Emily Banks’s highly anticipated film will be released this December, 58 years after the last one. Not only does this prove the nanny’s longevity but adds validity to my need for an attraction dedicated to her in Epcot’s UK pavilion.

I’d love to see a dark ride soaring over London, with a return to Disney’s classic theme park style welcome as they increasingly do away with the attractions that once made Disneyland so successful.

Failing that, it seems a gross oversight to not have her feature in the new Rose and Crown tea experience, where she could instruct guests on the proper way to prepare a scone – always cream and then jam, by the way.
Something Scottish
The inner Brit in me can’t be suppressed as I bring up Merida, our favourite red-haired heroine. While I like her key placement in Magic Kingdom, it would be great to see a booth dedicated to her country’s good either in Epcot or opposite the meet and greet.

Selling traditional delicacies like the boys’ favourite Eccles cakes, or perhaps a hybrid shortbread dessert, it would be ideal to start educating Americans especially on the fact that the United Kingdom is in fact made up of multiple countries, and no, not everyone is from London either.
While I’ve focused mainly on our cherished protagonists here, everyone loves the evil characters too. They may surface at the Halloween parties, but that doesn’t seem particularly fair to guests who can’t visit during that specific season.

It would be amazing if we could get a Villains Hall in the style of the Princess Fairytale one over in Fantasyland, with characters rotating so you’re always in for a spooky surprise. Maleficent, Dr Facilier and Cruella de Vil would be personal picks, but I know lines would be long if Disney tapped into the darker side of their beloved movies.