Things we should stop doing in our twenties
I keep being told things I should be doing now I'm in my twenties, like drinking (and enjoying) wine, finding a long-term boyfriend, or settling into my dream job. I'm yet to do any of those things, and I think that's more frustrating for those around me than for myself.
However there are certain things that do annoy me, things I find myself but also those I socialize with doing; things that are of no benefit to ourselves or each other. Rather than preaching about what we should start (like exercising regularly, eating 5 portions of fruit and veg a day, and investing in reusable straws), here are a few things we should consciously stop instead.
1. Giving unsolicited opinions on other people’s diets or drinking habits. If they want to know how “bad” that doughnut is for them, or that you “don’t eat carbs”, then they’ll ask.

2. Saying “we should get something in the diary” rather than actually doing it. If you really want to make plans, make them!
3. Coming up with lame excuses to not go to stuff rather than just saying you don’t want to go. Working full-time is tiring. Don't add unnecessary stress on top of that.
4. Clinging onto old friendships just because you’ve known them so long – like a cupboard clearout, some things have just passed their "best before" date
5. Following people just because they follow you – if their content doesn’t please you or make you feel good, break that mutual.

6. Chasing after some”body” rather than just accepting your own body; wanting hips to be thinner when your bone structures was built differently.
7. Complimenting your friends based only on their appearance. If you personally want to be valued on your intelligence and achievements rather than your bra size or thigh gap, reflect that on how you talk about other women too.

8. Not buying clothes just because they’re a size bigger than you want to be – sizing sucks and is ridiculously inconsistent. If the dress looks cute and you feel good in it, get it!
9. Desperately trying to adhere to a step-by-step life plan, or imitating your friend's. There's no "right" time to go travelling, get a job, move out, or have kids. We said goodbye to rigid uniformity the day we finally got out of the oppressive 'one-size-fits-all' high school system.
10. Crazy yo-yo/trendy diets. Whatever happened to filling your plate with healthy carbs, proteins and vegetables? Since when did rice become an enemy, in favor of more fashionable quinoa? (Spoiler alert: they taste even better together)

11. Treating your body like a spreadsheet to be balanced, with calories in and calories out. I don't know about you, but I've always hated maths, so why self-inflict those unnecessary calculations on myself when I left my calculator behind in the classroom?
12. Having conversations that are purely centered around other people. That probably says more about you than them, and there are so many more interesting topics in today's exciting but pretty messed-up world than who's dating who and why that girl is toxic.
13. Expecting your twenties to be the greatest years of your life. In my experience, the best times are those that happen when we're not trying or expecting them to be anything special. Let's lift the obligations of greatness and just live a little instead.