Foodie Review: Ohana Breakfast
After a lengthy hiatus, the Disney World foodie reviews are back! I ate food at a Disney restaurant multiple times a week throughout my summer working in Orlando, but the first visit was way back on my first full day there, having breakfast at Ohana in the Polynesian Resort.

This is a character meal, with the first interaction happening after you check in at the podium. You get a token for your party to line up and meet Pluto for a Photopass opportunity, and then wait until your pager goes off to head inside.

The meal begins with this delicious pineapple coconut bread. It's sticky and sweet but not overly so, meaning you can justify it as a starter to the main meal. This was accompanied by a fruit plate (a rare occurrence in Disney!) which was a little small for the table of 6 but meant we were still hungry for the food to come.

For most people, this involves an ample platter of biscuits, scrambled eggs, sausages, breakfast potatoes, pineapple glazed ham and, of course, Mickey waffles. However as a vegetarian, some slightly modified fare was offered.

I told the server as we were seated that two of us required something different, but it still came out a good 5 minutes or more after the main one. This wasn't ideal but I imagine the regular order operates like a production line, so it's to be expected that there would be some delay.

When our order came out, it was a tofu potato veggie stir fry (the best way I can describe it!). Whilst it looked delicious, I asked if we could get an order of Mickey waffles also (we didn't want to miss out!) which took another 5 minutes but arrived with our own serving of syrup to go along.

The veggie offering was light and tasty once you got over the mental obstacle of having stir fry for breakfast, but the other vegetarian and I both enjoyed it and felt a lot less weighed down than our friends ploughing through their meaty platter.

The characters here are Mickey, Lilo and Stich, dressed in their Hawaiian attire. They were all fun and friendly but came around in fairly quick succession and, as I've come to expect at these meals, arrived when we were in the middle of eating.

It was a lot of fun to see them, but unlike other places, you only see each character once so make sure to get your shot while you can!

Overall we were happy with the meal and service, but $42 is never going to feel great to splurge on one meal! I'd say as a vegetarian this one doesn't quite meet the value for money in terms of food, but you have to factor in that you can't meet Lilo anywhere else, and Stitch's line is always long in Magic Kingdom.

I wouldn't go again as it felt more like a bucket list item for me personally, but it's one I'm happy to have ticked off and would not dissuade others from doing the same.